that Energy!
by Susan
Although we have the ability to choose our friends,
we don’t always have that luxury with our co-workers, family, or
the guy on the bus sitting next ot us. So a piece of
advice....Listen to one of the smartest people you will ever
know. You.
You have all
the information you will ever need to guide you. So listen when
you speak. Use all your senses. Tune into your body. What is it
saying to you? Is your body speaking to you with anger, fear,
saddness, or a persistant pain in your neck?
In our
western culture, we are taught early on by our parents, family,
peers. To “stop being a baby”, “get over it”,etc. It is not to
your benefit that these people request putting these feelings
away. It may be for their comfort.
Most of us ,
in our search for love and acceptance, have tried to please and
have stuffed our feelings at some point. Or perhaps we were
overwhelmed with feeling. However, we don’t put them away in a
little box in the closet. We store them in our bodies.
Recent research has demonstrated that the mental
processes of the mind are not confined to the brain. Memories,
trauma, emotions and resistances can be stored in the body and
human energy field. As we bring our awareness to these areas of
self limitations, physical pain, fear, anger, etc., these old
pattens can be released. By unblocking the imbalance, the
individual’s innate healing ability canb be restored and
stimulated to return the body to it’s normal homeostasis and
There is a simple technique for bringing your
awareness to and releasing some of these energies. Find a quiet
place. Turn off the phone, close your dooor with orders not to be
disturbed, lie down and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths
and locate that tightness, feeling or pain that you have. Really
focus on that spot. Just sit with it and try to visualize it.
What color would it be? What shape is it? Imagine yourself
finding an opening in that colored shape and go inside. What does
it feel like. What emotion is in there? Then imagine it talking
to you, telling you all about this emotion. Don’t try fixing it
or changing it, just listen.
Then notice what happens. The color and shape will
shift. You are shifting this energy by bringing your awareness to
this area of your body. If you still have any pain, stay with the
new color. Brownish or muddy colors indicate disharmony. Bright
clear colors indicate harmony.
By listening to our body and honoring the
incredible information that is available, we can really begin to
open up to the beautiful souls that we are really meant to be.
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About the Author
Susan Ananian
is a Reiki Master who is also a Master Practitioner of the Ensofic
Ray Healing modality, an advanced form of Reiki from Japan. She
specializes in holistic family living and is known for her work
with Indigo Children. Susan has practiced in the alternative
healing arts since 1994. She has traveled the world and studied
under several leading master teachers and applies her expertise in
working with children, families or individuals seeking personal
growth and those suffering from chronic pain or disease.
Susan has a
private practice located in Midland Park, NJ and can be contacted
at 201-236-0021. Web site: